Tuesday 4 July 2023

A.S.Chambers Monthly Roundup - July 2023

 Greetings one and all!

It’s the first week of July and the summer seems to be getting busier and busier for Yours Truly!

Well, first, Lux Æterna is now in the final editing phase. It has two more run-throughs (one listening; one reading) until I can start dropping extracts for the Seraph members of my book club. It has been an absolute beast to write as I’ve had to make sure that lots of threads have been tied off whilst making sure that it fits in sequence with events bubbling away in Fallen Angel (more on that one in a minute or so…)

Also in the pipeline is Child of Light. This novella will be released alongside Lux Æterna and will fill in some backstory for both Alec and Lucifer. I have thoroughly enjoyed writing both of these and I know that you will devour them both when they are published in October. 

So, I mentioned Fallen Angel. As many of you will know, this is sort of the book that kicked everything off. I first wrote it back in my mid-teens and it bubbled around for a number of years until I finalised what I wanted it to look like back in about 2009. However, I never published it because I felt it was the middle of a story rather than the beginning. There were characters in there that I knew a lot about but the readers wouldn’t. So, I shelved it and set off writing Sam’s adventures and building the Spallucciverse where FA would sit like a spider spinning a web of plots and characters around it. 

This summer, once Lux Æterna is finished, I will be revisiting my FA manuscript and will start the job of bringing it up to speed so that it matches all the books (28 of them…) that I’ve written since. It’s going to be a mammoth undertaking, but I am sitting here rubbing my hands with glee. I, unlike many authors, relish the art of editing. Give me a manuscript and I am a pig in the proverbial finding mistakes and polishing rough diamonds. Things which need to be included are the likes of the Potency in her weirdling shape. She wasn’t even a glimmer in my creative eye back in 2009 and now she is a major player in the Spallucciverse, along with her mother, the Abyss, who did not possess her interactive form back then either. Alongside this, motivations for certain characters have changed and evolved, so I need to go back and make sure that everything just fits. 

It’s going to be a blast.

Alongside this, I’ll be preparing for Stockport comic con on the 30th of July. There’s a link for the details over at www.aschambers.co.uk. Pop over and have a look. It would be great to see you there.

Anyway, that’s all for now.

Have a great one!


Don’t forget to visit my website www.aschambers.co.uk for more details about my books. 

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