Saturday, 17 September 2022

Short Story: Teeth

 Greetings one and all and welcome to this month’s short story, Teeth.

Originally published in my Oh Taste And See anthology and then in my Macabre Collection: Volume One, this tale of dentures, nightmares and childhood terror was one of the first non-Spallucciverse stories that I wrote. At the time, there were a plethora of adverts on the radio for teeth implants, encouraging people to do away with the awkwardness and discomfort of dentures. Promises were being made of a nice new smile which was easier to maintain and didn’t need soaking overnight in a glass tumbler.

Now, I have an overactive imagination at the best of times, and upon listening to these tales of wonderful dentistry, I couldn’t help but wonder: What would the old dentures feel about being thrown away? So, it didn’t take me long to sit down and take a piece I had written in my late teens and bring it bang up to date, complete with the disturbing dream sequences regarding the marionette (Because let’s face it, marionettes are seriously creepy…)

So, the next time you think about trading up for the next latest and greatest, just bear a quick thought for that thing which you’re getting rid of. They might not like being consigned to the drawer, wastebasket or recycle bin…

Don’t forget that I have Patreon Book Club where you can access all these videos long before they reach this blog. Also, Seraph tier members get free books for joining as well as free signed copies of every new material book that I publish. You can find out more details here.

You can also visit my website for more details about my books. 

You can subscribe to my newsletter here for up-to-date details regarding all my writing and appearances.

Take care and keep looking out for what lurks in the shadows…


Saturday, 10 September 2022

Spalluccipedia: Alec The Twin

 Greetings one and all and welcome to this monthly dive into the shadowy world of my fictional paranormal investigator, the one and only Sam Spallucci.

This month I want to have a quick chat about one of the major side characters in the ever-expanding Spallucciverse: Alec. We first come across the boy who is described as being in his late teens right at the beginning of Sam’s journey in The Case of the Satanic Suburban Sitcom. Sam first spots him outside the White Cross industrial estate before he enters John O’Gaunt Media, then, later on, it is apparent that Alec saves our hero from being sacrificed.

It’s during Ghosts From The Past that Sam gets to know Alec better and, in fact, lets him move into his attic room. However, when I say, “Gets to know Alec better,” it’s always apparent that the boy is hiding things of importance from Sam, especially what seems to be a very older personality hiding within him. He lets things slip from time to time such as his angelic parentage, but on the whole, the boy plays his cards close to his chest, normally infuriating Sam.

I actually came up with the idea for Alec before I started writing Sam’s adventures. When I was eighteen, I started a “novel” about a teenage boy who kills his abusive parents and then runs away from home. I didn’t get very far, but I do recall he was going to hitch up with a sexy older woman and there would be gypsies. Please remember, I was just eighteen… Now, the sexy older woman and the travelling companions may have long since been ditched, but as I write this I’m actually working on Alec’s origins novella, Child of Light, and let’s just say that things won’t pan out very well for his parents, or should that be, those who are posing as his parents. 

As the stories continue, Alec and his sister Amanda will become more and more integral to the expanding universe and, as the Divergence approaches, you will start to see just how important the Twins are and why the vampires are supposed to protect them.

Don’t forget to visit my website for more details about my books. 

You can subscribe to my newsletter here for up-to-date details regarding all my writing and appearances.

You can check out my Patreon Book Club for advance screenings of my videos and free books.

Take care and keep looking out for what lurks in the shadows…


Friday, 2 September 2022

A.S.Chambers - September Roundup

 Greetings everyone and welcome to this September update.

August was an insanely busy month for me as I was out and about at three conventions (Wigan, Lancaster and York). As a result, I decided to take the month off from writing to give myself time to concentrate on the minutiae of organisational tasks that conventions and signings require. 

Well… when I say, “Take the month off,” that might not be entirely true as I started playing with the first case in next year’s Sam Spallucci: Lux AEterna. It’s going to be a belter of an adventure for Sam and will see him travel through a somewhat trippy Alice in Wonderland experience, escorted by a rather familiar and well-loved guide, meeting his all-time television hero whilst getting dragged off on a quest to find Excalibur in the most unlikely of places and going head to head with none other than Lucifer himself. Sam 8 will take place directly after the events of Fury of the Fallen.

Talking of which…

Next week will see me putting the final touches to this year’s outing for Sam. All that’s needed now is for me to enter the two side-cases that my Kickstarter backers chose for Sam and the name of the poor family that meet their demise at the hands of Asmodeus. Once that is done, I’m on to formatting and then publication. All being well, I’m hoping to have things ready to publish in late September with books and rewards going out in early October, a month ahead of what I had originally planned. Once the book has been published, I shall start uploading the Easter Egg videos to my YouTube channel (You can find that here. Why not have a peek at some older videos?) which will contain the shoutouts for my Patrons and the Kickstarter backers that chose those as rewards. All being well the first one (The Case of the Ghostly Guide) should see the light of day in October, with the other three following in consecutive months. The links for the videos will be posted in the Patreon Book Club and in updates on the Kickstarter project as well as in my monthly newsletter, so make sure you have notifications turned on, if necessary and, if you’ve not already subscribed to my newsletter, you can do so here

That’s more or less it for now. If you live in the Sheffield area, pop along and see me at Sheffield Comic Con on the 25th of September. It’s always nice to see familiar and friendly faces.

Don’t forget to visit my website for more details about my books. 

You can subscribe to my newsletter here for up-to-date details regarding all my writing and appearances.

You can check out my Patreon Book Club for advance screenings of my videos and free books.

Take care and keep looking out for what lurks in the shadows…
