Saturday 10 December 2022

Spalluccipedia - Luneside University (part one)


Greetings one and all to this little dive into the characters and topics that make up the Spallucciverse.

This time around I want to have a little chat about Luneside University. This is the fictional university where both Sam and Spliff studied back in the almost halcyon days of their youth and where Spliff ends up as the chaplain. I took a similar academic path to Sam, leaving the flat East Midlands and travelling up the M6 to the hilly landscape of Lancaster and, like him, I studied Religious Studies up here back in the early nineties. Also, while I was studying at Lancaster University, which is situated in Bailrigg just south of the city, I started to write some of the original drafts of his stories. This meant it was quite natural that I would draw upon my place of study for inspiration. So, like Lancaster University, Luneside has a large square surrounded by residences and departments and the campus is dominated by a tall structure. 

However, there are certain differences. 

For starters, the tall structure at Lancaster University is Bowland Tower, a tall block of flats that surrounds a chimney to the boiler house. In Luneside University, the tall structure is a massive chimney which is a relic of the old Williamson works upon which the campus has been built, down on the Quayside.

Next, the chapel is completely different, taking its inspiration from Saint Martin’s College, as was (now the University of Cumbria), situated in the Bowerham district of town.

And, most radically, the location of the university is completely different. As mentioned above, Lancaster University has a huge sprawling campus to the south of the city. Luneside, as its name implies, is located on the bank of the River Lune on the site of the old Williamson linoleum works. 

The reason that I created a fictional university rather than use the actual one was to give me control of the location. Also, I found that it was going to be easier to pace the stories if I located the campus in the city, rather than a fifteen-minute drive away.


Don’t forget to visit my website for more details about my books. 

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You can check out my Patreon Book Club for advance screenings of my videos and free books.

Take care and keep looking out for what lurks in the shadows…


Sunday 4 December 2022

A.S.Chambers - December Roundup

 December Book Club Update

Greetings all on an exceptionally chilly December morning.

The last couple of weeks have been fantastic with two book signing events taking place locally. On the 29th of November, I was made incredibly welcome at the Neuro Drop-In Centre in Torrisholme where I gave a chat about my books and my writing whilst having a long-term illness. Neuro Drop-In is an amazing local charity and I always enjoy going along to support them. You can find out more about the wonderful work they do here

Then, just yesterday, I was made incredibly welcome at my favourite bookshop, The Old Pier Bookshop in Morecambe. It was wonderful to see some familiar faces and to welcome new people to the shadowy world of Sam Spallucci. If you haven’t ever visited Tony and his outstanding temple to literature, then you can get a taste in The Case of the Bothersome Books which is the second case in Sam Spallucci: Fury of the Fallen where both book and proprietor make a cameo. Alternatively, you can visit his Facebook Page.

Now, a rather exciting bit of publication news. My next anthology, Out Of The Depths will be out in late February and, next week, I will be revealing the amazing cover art that has been developed by Liam Shaw. My Patreon Book Club members will get the first peek, then the general public. I am really pleased with this collection as there are even more stories tying into Sam’s ever-expanding universe.

On to works in development… 

I’ve finished the first draft of the first two cases in Sam Spallucci: Lux Æterna. So far, Sam has been pitted against zealous zombies and has been thrown into an Alice In Wonderland phantasmagoria. I am currently working on The Case of the Argumentative Archaeologist where he will meet his TV hero, the renowned Professor Robert Richmond. 

I am also cracking on with Child Of Fire. If you’ve been following my Sleepy Author updates on TikTok and Instagram, you will know that I have decided to write this one in the first person present, a style I’ve only used before in short stories. This way we get to see Amanda’s story unfold at the same time as she does. I am really enjoying running with this different type of style. It gives the story a great feeling of realism.  

And, just yesterday, I started work on a standalone Sam Spallucci and Spliff short which I hope to release around the same time as Out Of The Depths. At the moment it is tentatively titled The Case of the Pillaging Pirates and will be a crossover into the literary world of a favourite author of mine, but more on that as it develops…

Now, don’t forget that I have a growing YouTube channel. I’ve always loved making videos, ever since I was a kid and this is a great way for me to share facts about my characters and plots as well as post Easter Egg videos and reading of extracts. Why not hop over and give it a quick subscribe?

Don’t forget to visit my website for more details about my books. 

You can subscribe to my newsletter here for up-to-date details regarding all my writing and appearances.

You can check out my Patreon Book Club for advance screenings of my videos and free books.

Take care and keep looking out for what lurks in the shadows…


Thursday 24 November 2022

One Minute Workshop: The Maths of Writing

 Hello and welcome to this little one-minute writing workshop.

It’s quite a short one this time as, quite frankly, the video says it all.

When we write we can start to become convinced that we’re not writing enough. We can become paranoid that, writing at our current speed, we will never finish a particular project. However, if we just take a moment, breathe and look at how much we’ve written, then start to multiply it by hours, days and weeks, we can start to realise that we are creating something rather impressive.

Don’t forget to visit my website for more details about my books. 

You can subscribe to my newsletter here for up-to-date details regarding all my writing and appearances.

You can check out my Patreon Book Club for advanced screenings of my videos and free books.

Take care and keep looking out for what lurks in the shadows…


Saturday 12 November 2022

Short Story: Relic

     Hello and welcome to this entry about a short story I wrote some years ago.

Relic made its publication debut back in 2015’s All Things Dark and Dangerous. It tells the story of a set of stones which rise to international fame after they are unearthed in an archaeological dig.

I seem to recall this was one that I more or less wrote in an afternoon. Archaeology fascinates me and I often wonder just how many things that we take as fact are in actuality completely wrong. This little story is based on some cobbles behind my house where I did indeed spill some white gloss paint after touching up some rusty paintwork on my car. As I stood there looking at the small, spindly trails of white, the thought did indeed pass through my head as to what an archaeologist might make of them, say in a thousand years or so. It didn’t take my overactive imagination long to turn this into a cataclysmic event.

Don’t forget to visit my website for more details about my books. 

You can subscribe to my newsletter here for up-to-date details regarding all my writing and appearances.

You can check out my Patreon Book Club for advanced screenings of my videos and free books.

Take care and keep looking out for what lurks in the shadows…


Thursday 10 November 2022

Spalluccipedia: Myth

Greetings one and all to this little dive into the characters and topics that make up the Spallucciverse.

This time around I want to have a little chat about the use of Myth in Sam’s world. I am a huge fan of ancient myths. As a western culture, we are obviously used to the Greco-Roman ones concerning Zeus, Apollo and all the Olympian pantheon. We learn at a very early age through history at school about how the Romans believed that the gods above constantly interfered in the affairs of humanity below.

However, this is such a small part of the finely crafted quilt of ancient stories that were woven together in an attempt to understand the world around us. Over the last couple of years, I’ve been immersing myself in ancient Canaanite myths surrounding El, Asherah and Ba’al. It is fascinating to watch how they have gone on to leave their mark in the ancient Hebrew myths and Biblical texts.  

This is something which we can easily overlook with myth. We often see a particular myth as belonging to a particular group of people, when it has actually developed over hundreds, if not thousands, of years to the point when it is finally recorded. Even then, as is seen in Roman mythology, that is never the end for a myth. New people can come along and develop it even further.

To a certain extent, this is something that I’m playing with in the Spallucciverse. I take established tropes and myths, study them and see where I can take them next.

Don’t forget to visit my website for more details about my books. 

You can subscribe to my newsletter here for up-to-date details regarding all my writing and appearances.

You can check out my Patreon Book Club for advance screenings of my videos and free books.

Take care and keep looking out for what lurks in the shadows…


Wednesday 2 November 2022

A.S.Chambers - November Roundup

       Good morning on what is a rather cold and wet start to November. I hope you all had a great October and enjoyed some spooky merriment for Halloween.

October was a cracking month for me. Not only was I able to get copies of Fury of the Fallen out to my readers, but I was able to brave the storms and venture up north for Carlisle Comic Con. Once I had stopped shaking with fear from a crazy ride up the M6, I had a cracking time, meeting friends old and new. My next convention is over in Sunderland this Sunday. More details over at

After Sunderland, I have one more appearance this year before I hibernate. I will be signing at the Old Pier Book Shop in Morecambe on the 3rd of December. Again, the details are over on my website. It would be lovely to see some friendly faces as usual. I’m really excited about this one as Tony graciously allowed me to use his shop in the second story in Fury, The Case of the Bothersome Books.

So, now Fury is out in the wilds, the next book you can expect to see is my next anthology of short stories: Out Of The Depths. Containing eight shorts, four of which cross over with Fury of the Fallen, Fallen Angel and next year’s Lux Æterna, I am expecting it to be released in late February or early March 2023 with Bobby Normal and the Fallen following in the summer. I am also working on a Sam short story which is currently tentatively entitled The Case of the Pillaging Pirates. More on that as it unfolds.

The big piece of work that I am working on at the moment, though, has to be Sam Spallucci: Lux Æterna. I am about a third of the way through the first draft and it should be out for Halloween next year along with its accompanying novellas: Child of Light and Child of Fire. More on those in the new year.

Don’t forget to visit my website for more details about my books. 

You can subscribe to my newsletter here for up-to-date details regarding all my writing and appearances.

You can check out my Patreon Book Club for advance screenings of my videos and free books.


Sunday 30 October 2022

The late, great Weldon Kees.


Many, many moons ago I was given a book of surrealist poetry by my then-girlfriend. The relationship didn’t last that long and indeed the split was decidedly acrimonious. As a result, the book was shelved with the intention of never being read. A couple of years ago I was looking for a new read and stumbled across the poor volume languishing under a good coating of dust and shrouded in self-loathing. I dusted it off, sat down and consequently devoured it.

One of the poets that it introduced me to was a chap by the name of Weldon Kees. Until I’d read the handful of his poems in this book, I had never heard of the artistic polymath. Living in the USA in the first half of the Twentieth Century, Kees was not only a poet but a novelist, a musician and an artist. His work was full of incredible vibrancy and he was able to paint scenes with words that truly encompassed you and took you places that you had never visited before. You really got a sense of his thought structures and how he saw the world around him as it headed into and then emerged from the Second World War.

I’ve since bought up numerous works of his including his collected poems, his novellas and his posthumously published novel Fall Quarter. For me, I feel that his story of a newbie, straight-laced professor descending into the vices of the world around him works better than Kerouac’s On The Road as a voyage of self-discovery. It paints a picture of how a few wrong choices can send someone’s life off in a tailspin. I could wax lyrical all day about his poems, but a few that I seriously recommend you read are The Forests, Obituary and On A Painting By Rousseau. All three are masterpieces in how to succinctly portray an image that the poet holds fast in their mind.

Sadly, Kees was taken from us far too early. His car was found abandoned on the Golden Gate Bridge in 1955. Whether he jumped to his death or disappeared into anonymity, no one knows. I, for one, would have loved to watch his craft develop as he entered on into old age.

Don’t forget to visit my website for more details about my books. 

You can subscribe to my newsletter here for up-to-date details regarding all my writing and appearances.

You can check out my Patreon Book Club for advance screenings of my videos and free books.


Sunday 23 October 2022

One Minute Workshop: Routine

 Hello and welcome to this little one-minute writing workshop.

When it comes to writing productively, one thing which can quite often be overlooked is a good routine. As writers and creatives, we often feel that we should start putting pen to paper when the Muses move us. We feel that we really need to be in the zone in order to generate worthwhile material that we will be proud of. 

However, this can lead to us lurching from one project to another with no consistency and a distinct lack of progress. Yes, we need to be mindful of when inspiration strikes, but that should be used as a time for note-taking and research, for the jotting down of ideas and playing with topics in our head. As far as the writing process is concerned, it is far more beneficial to have a set time of day to pursue this. For some, this could be first thing in the morning (personally, I’m up at 5 o’clock and writing at half past for a few hours before the day kicks in), some are night owls and some might split it into two blocks of a few hours each. It is important that we find what works for us and that we stick to it. This way we will be able to compare our progress from day to day and set attainable targets with regard to how we want our work to progress.

Don’t forget to visit my website for more details about my books. 

You can subscribe to my newsletter here for up-to-date details regarding all my writing and appearances.

You can check out my Patreon Book Club for advanced screenings of my videos and free books.

Take care and keep looking out for what lurks in the shadows…


Sunday 16 October 2022

Short Story: the Scratchcard Man

 Hello and welcome to this entry about a short story I wrote some years ago.

The Scratchcard Man made its publication debut back in 2013’s Oh Taste And See. It tells the story of an individual going from door-to-door apparently selling lottery scratchcards. However, the story turns incredibly dark at the end, leading to brutal bloodshed.

This wasn’t actually the first incarnation of the story. I originally wrote it as The Ticket Man many, many years ago when I was a teenager making a bit of extra pocket money going, as the titular character does, from door-to-door selling scratchcards for a local charity. Every time the door was answered, the resident would call back into the house, “The Ticket Man’s here!” I was just starting to get into this whole writing lark and, being an avid reader of Stephen King, I sort of took what I was doing and “Kingified” it. I still have the original version kicking around in a folder somewhere, typed up on some lined paper that I probably purloined from school. Who knows, one of these days I might make a recording of it just for fun…

Don’t forget to visit my website for more details about my books. 

You can subscribe to my newsletter here for up-to-date details regarding all my writing and appearances.

You can check out my Patreon Book Club for advanced screenings of my videos and free books.

Take care and keep looking out for what lurks in the shadows…


Sunday 9 October 2022

Spalluccipedia: Constructs

      Greetings one and all and welcome to this monthly dive into the shadowy world of my fictional paranormal investigator, the one and only Sam Spallucci.

This month I want to have a quick chat about those clay-based, shapeshifting golems of the Spallucciverse, constructs. We first come across a construct in The Case of the Vexed Vampire when Dave Nichols instinctively despatches one without realising what it actually is. This story establishes that they were sent back in time by Kanor to infiltrate humanity and thin the herd, so to speak, of vampires. Sam next encounters them in Dark Justice, both in their human form and their natural monstrous form. They have cropped up again in Troubled Souls and will also feature in Fury of the Fallen and To Dare The Dragon, to name but two outings. 

Sam, however, is not the only one of my characters to go head-to-head with the mindless denizens of Kanor. In the Children of Cain shorts we’ve seen all the vampires take them on in one form or another. Not only this, but as the Bobby Normal books are set post-Divergence, there are literally constructs on every street corner. In fact, the first encounters for both Sam and Bobby with a construct in its natural form were actually written within a day of each other. If you compare the passages in Dark Justice and Eternal Talisman, you can see real similarities. 

As I say in the above video, the original design for the constructs was based on a comic strip from the old, short-lived Starlord comic. The image of these faceless golems haunted me as a kid and I knew I had to use it as the basis for these foot soldiers of Kanor. I’ve attached this image for you. Unfortunately, it's not very good quality, so I apologise. 

That's all for now. Don't forget that Sam Spallucci: Fury of the Fallen launches this month and I will be signing at Carlisle Comic Con as well as at First Age Comics in Lancaster. You can find details of these and more on my website

Don’t forget to visit my website for more details about my books. 

You can subscribe to my newsletter here for up-to-date details regarding all my writing and appearances.

You can check out my Patreon Book Club for advanced screenings of my videos and free books.

Take care and keep looking out for what lurks in the shadows…


Sunday 2 October 2022

A.S.Chambers - October Roundup

      Good morning all on a bright, crisp October afternoon from Lancaster!

So, September definitely proved to be a month of two halves here as mid-month I was struck with a devil of some sort of viral cold which has really knocked me for six. This meant that I was unable to get to Sheffield Comic Con and CovCon, which is absolutely gutting as I love getting out and meeting friendly and new faces. 

However, this doesn’t mean that I’ve just been sitting curled up under a blanket binge-watching Professor T (although that may have taken up some of my time…). I’ve been cracking on with the first case in next year’s Sam Spallucci: Lux Æterna. This opener sees Sam transported into a bizarre universe populated with familiar characters from his adventures dressed up as individuals from Alice In Wonderland. 

I’ve also been putting the finishing touches to my next anthology Out of the Depths which should be out next February and will contain a number of tie-in shorts to the Spallucciverse. Alongside this, I’m on the polishing edit for Alec’s story Child of Light.

But, the big news is that Sam Spallucci: Fury of the Fallen is now published, with the official launch date coming on the 15th of October. I have, in fact, just ordered copies for all my Patreon Book Club members and all those who ordered copies through my Kickstarter.

If you’re in the Lancaster area on the 29th October, please feel free to pop along to First Age Comics where I’ll be having a public signing of Fury. It would be nice to see some familiar faces.

Don’t forget to visit my website for more details about my books. 

You can subscribe to my newsletter here for up-to-date details regarding all my writing and appearances.

You can check out my Patreon Book Club for advance screenings of my videos and free books.

That’s all for now. I can hear my blanket and a warm cup of tea calling.

Take care,


Saturday 17 September 2022

Short Story: Teeth

 Greetings one and all and welcome to this month’s short story, Teeth.

Originally published in my Oh Taste And See anthology and then in my Macabre Collection: Volume One, this tale of dentures, nightmares and childhood terror was one of the first non-Spallucciverse stories that I wrote. At the time, there were a plethora of adverts on the radio for teeth implants, encouraging people to do away with the awkwardness and discomfort of dentures. Promises were being made of a nice new smile which was easier to maintain and didn’t need soaking overnight in a glass tumbler.

Now, I have an overactive imagination at the best of times, and upon listening to these tales of wonderful dentistry, I couldn’t help but wonder: What would the old dentures feel about being thrown away? So, it didn’t take me long to sit down and take a piece I had written in my late teens and bring it bang up to date, complete with the disturbing dream sequences regarding the marionette (Because let’s face it, marionettes are seriously creepy…)

So, the next time you think about trading up for the next latest and greatest, just bear a quick thought for that thing which you’re getting rid of. They might not like being consigned to the drawer, wastebasket or recycle bin…

Don’t forget that I have Patreon Book Club where you can access all these videos long before they reach this blog. Also, Seraph tier members get free books for joining as well as free signed copies of every new material book that I publish. You can find out more details here.

You can also visit my website for more details about my books. 

You can subscribe to my newsletter here for up-to-date details regarding all my writing and appearances.

Take care and keep looking out for what lurks in the shadows…


Saturday 10 September 2022

Spalluccipedia: Alec The Twin

 Greetings one and all and welcome to this monthly dive into the shadowy world of my fictional paranormal investigator, the one and only Sam Spallucci.

This month I want to have a quick chat about one of the major side characters in the ever-expanding Spallucciverse: Alec. We first come across the boy who is described as being in his late teens right at the beginning of Sam’s journey in The Case of the Satanic Suburban Sitcom. Sam first spots him outside the White Cross industrial estate before he enters John O’Gaunt Media, then, later on, it is apparent that Alec saves our hero from being sacrificed.

It’s during Ghosts From The Past that Sam gets to know Alec better and, in fact, lets him move into his attic room. However, when I say, “Gets to know Alec better,” it’s always apparent that the boy is hiding things of importance from Sam, especially what seems to be a very older personality hiding within him. He lets things slip from time to time such as his angelic parentage, but on the whole, the boy plays his cards close to his chest, normally infuriating Sam.

I actually came up with the idea for Alec before I started writing Sam’s adventures. When I was eighteen, I started a “novel” about a teenage boy who kills his abusive parents and then runs away from home. I didn’t get very far, but I do recall he was going to hitch up with a sexy older woman and there would be gypsies. Please remember, I was just eighteen… Now, the sexy older woman and the travelling companions may have long since been ditched, but as I write this I’m actually working on Alec’s origins novella, Child of Light, and let’s just say that things won’t pan out very well for his parents, or should that be, those who are posing as his parents. 

As the stories continue, Alec and his sister Amanda will become more and more integral to the expanding universe and, as the Divergence approaches, you will start to see just how important the Twins are and why the vampires are supposed to protect them.

Don’t forget to visit my website for more details about my books. 

You can subscribe to my newsletter here for up-to-date details regarding all my writing and appearances.

You can check out my Patreon Book Club for advance screenings of my videos and free books.

Take care and keep looking out for what lurks in the shadows…


Friday 2 September 2022

A.S.Chambers - September Roundup

 Greetings everyone and welcome to this September update.

August was an insanely busy month for me as I was out and about at three conventions (Wigan, Lancaster and York). As a result, I decided to take the month off from writing to give myself time to concentrate on the minutiae of organisational tasks that conventions and signings require. 

Well… when I say, “Take the month off,” that might not be entirely true as I started playing with the first case in next year’s Sam Spallucci: Lux AEterna. It’s going to be a belter of an adventure for Sam and will see him travel through a somewhat trippy Alice in Wonderland experience, escorted by a rather familiar and well-loved guide, meeting his all-time television hero whilst getting dragged off on a quest to find Excalibur in the most unlikely of places and going head to head with none other than Lucifer himself. Sam 8 will take place directly after the events of Fury of the Fallen.

Talking of which…

Next week will see me putting the final touches to this year’s outing for Sam. All that’s needed now is for me to enter the two side-cases that my Kickstarter backers chose for Sam and the name of the poor family that meet their demise at the hands of Asmodeus. Once that is done, I’m on to formatting and then publication. All being well, I’m hoping to have things ready to publish in late September with books and rewards going out in early October, a month ahead of what I had originally planned. Once the book has been published, I shall start uploading the Easter Egg videos to my YouTube channel (You can find that here. Why not have a peek at some older videos?) which will contain the shoutouts for my Patrons and the Kickstarter backers that chose those as rewards. All being well the first one (The Case of the Ghostly Guide) should see the light of day in October, with the other three following in consecutive months. The links for the videos will be posted in the Patreon Book Club and in updates on the Kickstarter project as well as in my monthly newsletter, so make sure you have notifications turned on, if necessary and, if you’ve not already subscribed to my newsletter, you can do so here

That’s more or less it for now. If you live in the Sheffield area, pop along and see me at Sheffield Comic Con on the 25th of September. It’s always nice to see familiar and friendly faces.

Don’t forget to visit my website for more details about my books. 

You can subscribe to my newsletter here for up-to-date details regarding all my writing and appearances.

You can check out my Patreon Book Club for advance screenings of my videos and free books.

Take care and keep looking out for what lurks in the shadows…


Sunday 21 August 2022

One Minute Workshop: Story Length

     This month, I want to have a little chat about something that I see a lot being discussed in writers’ forums: story length.

A lot of new writers and authors seem to be obsessed with writing that great Magnum Opus. They want to produce a novel of 80,000, 100,000 words plus. There seems to be this misconception out there that this is what you should be writing because that is what people want. 

But what about what your story wants?

All too often writers get stuck in a rut because they feel that they have to fill a certain box for the sake of selling their work. This is a terrible way to approach writing! Writing is an art form and, as such, the writer should let the story develop at its own speed and into its own length. So, you might produce a huge epic novel, but you might instead produce a neat, sharply edited short story or even a piece of fifty words flash fiction. 

Don’t feel pressured into producing what others say “sells” or what people say is “popular”. Write from the heart, let the plot and characters speak for themselves and the story will flow easily, finding its own shape and form. 

Don’t forget to visit my website for more details about my books. 

You can subscribe to my newsletter here for up-to-date details regarding all my writing and appearances.

You can check out my Patreon Book Club for advance screenings of my videos and free books.


Tuesday 16 August 2022

Short Story: Extraction

       Greetings all and welcome to this little article about one of my shortest pieces, Extraction.

This tiny piece of flash fiction is taken from my first horror anthology Oh Taste And See. I’ve always been a fan of short-form fiction and poetry. When I was a teenager, I was a classic reluctant reader. I never read poetry over half a page long and novels were way beyond my interest. Instead, I would plough through Stephen King’s short story collections such as Night Shift and Skeleton Crew. It was only later, as my reading increased in confidence, that I started to venture into the world of novels. As I did so, my own writing style began to grow and evolve. 

But, I never left the world of small-form behind. Even now, as an adult, I still love to pick up a novella or a short story and read it in one sitting between household chores or my own writing projects. I love how it takes skill and ruthlessness to pare a large piece down to bare bones and be left with an understandable piece of fiction. Extraction was my first attempt at this. From what I recall, I had been watching The Andromeda Strain. There is a scene in that film, near the end, when one of the scientists has to run to shut down the destruct sequence for the base and I think that was sort of an influence for the little scene that Extraction sets for the reader.

I hope you enjoy my reading of it. You can find this story in its original place in Oh Taste and See, and also in my Macabre Collection. There are purchase links over on my website.

Don’t forget that I have Patreon Book Club where you can access all these videos long before they reach this blog. Also, Seraph tier members get free books for joining as well as free signed copies of every new material book that I publish. You can find out more details here.

You can also visit my website for more details about my books. 

You can subscribe to my newsletter here for up-to-date details regarding all my writing and appearances.

Take care and keep looking out for what lurks in the shadows…
